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Mandate of the Board

Mandate and Functions of the Board 

The Board derives its mandate from the NG-CDF (Amendment) Act 2016 . Specifically, the functions of the Board are to: 

  1. Consider project proposals submitted from various constituencies in accordance with the Act, approve for funding those projects proposals that are consistent with the Act and send funds to the respective constituency fund account with respect to the approved projects.

  2. Ensure timely and efficient disbursement of funds to every constituency;

  3. Ensure efficient management of the Fund;

  4. Co-ordinate the implementation of projects at the inter-constituency level;

  5. Receive and address complaints that may arise from the implementation of the Act;

  6. Encourage best practices in the implementation of projects;

  7. Administer the funds and assets of the Board in such manner and for such purpose as shall promote the best interest of the Board in accordance with the Act to ensure efficient management of the Fund; and

  8. Perform such other duties as the Board may deem necessary from time to time for the proper management of the Fund 

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